Part 11 – porting to the Turbo Chameleon 64
After porting the Minimig core to my ebay-acquired Cyclone III board, I’ve spent some time this week porting the MiniSOC project to the Turbo Chameleon 64.
Hardware-wise the TC64 is very similar to the CIII board – the FPGA is identical, and there’s the same amount of SDRAM – albeit with a slightly different layout – so porting projects from one to the other is fairly straightforward. The only complicated part is routing certain signals through a CPLD which is used in the TC64 to multiplex some of the IOs, and as a bonus, to provide 5v tolerance. This is taken care of in the Chameleon-specific toplevel, meaning once again that the same basic source tree can be built for DE1, the CIII board and now also the Turbo Chameleon 64. Continue reading